Saturday, October 23, 2010

CEP 800 Podcast

To add to my technology experiences from Study Abroad I am posting my CEP 800 Podcast on here. My assignment was to interview several students at my school to find out their understanding of the Internet and how it works. It was interesting to see that many of them simply stated their answers as my directions on how to get onto and access the Web on a computer, not WHAT the Internet actually does or is used for. It is funny to think that many of the students view the Internet as a place to play games and go to websites, or look up information that you need. But, if you take a look at today's society, this is what the Internet is used for mainly by younger kids. Adults use it for communication purposes, while students are using it to learn about other things in the world. For the Internet to be solely defined as "a networking of computers" does not give it enough gratitude for what it actually is. This "Superhighway" that we use everyday is far more than just computers linked together around the world. It is a linking of PEOPLE all over the globe and a "superhighway" of learning and communication, plus so much more. I learned from this podcast that many more of my students need to see the bigger picture of what the Internet is and how it can be used in our day to day lives. They also need to understand where technology has been, and why it is so amazing that it is such a big part of our lives today, compared to what it used to be.

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