Sunday, July 6, 2008

Kill your speed, not a pony.

This weekend has been very interesting and exciting!

Friday I was able to interview a man named David, from the city museum in Plymouth. He told me all about WWII and what it was like in Plymouth, and how it's affected the people here, then and still today. I also was able to see pictures from a 50th anniversary exhibit that they had recently put up in the museum. It was great experience and I was able to get a lot of things for my project...too much information probably but we shall see!

Then yesterday I was able to experience the natural and beautiful amazing side of England. We went on a horseback ride through the hills of Dartmoor National Park, and it was AMAZING. The weather was horrible on the way back from the pub, but none the less, it was well worth it! There were animals roaming the hills all over, including the Dartmoor pony which is date back to 110 BC!!
They are beautiful little animals, that were very friendly! We saw them on the way to the pub and also on the way back, along with the colts :) they were breathtaking, as well as the view. I highly suggest going to see Dartmoor before you leave, even if it is not on horseback (which was definitely the best way for ME to see it) go see it, it is unlike anything that you will ever see in your life, and definitely worth it.

I also learned about some cultural things while I went on my trip to Dartmoor this weekend. The transportation system here is amazing, and most of the time very reliable. We got to experience the little town of Ashburton, talk to some police officers, and ride in a taxi, which is an experience in itself.

The police officers were plainly dressed, and very friendly! I wish I would have gotten a picture was interesting! Our police officers are geared up with huge belts of stuff, guns, knives, handcuffs, everything....but these police officers were plainly dressed in black t-shirts with black trousers and black shoes. They had like a small patch on each arm that said Police, and they had only 1 or 2 things on their belt, neither of which was a firearm.
The taxi drive there and back was VERY interesting, and for any of you that know me, I get nervous and sick in cars, especially in the backseat with people driving that I don't know...well welcome to the taxi system in England!! When you enter into Dartmoor National Park there are SMALL roads, one car wide, walls on each side of you (brick with ivy growing all over), sharp turns, because you are in the hills, and animals standing on the side of the road. He was speeding through this area, fast around corners and barely 2 in away from the wall on my side, and the cars passing on the other...come to find out however, taxi drivers here have to go through a 2 year program to become a taxi driver, and they get paid SOOO much. Their brains are even scanned before and after and there is a HUGE difference in depth perception and area awareness after they go through this program. This is why they get paid so much here, because they are the best drivers in England! After I found that I (which was at the end of the day) I felt more comfortable getting in a taxi again...but during the ride, I wanted to cry, throw up, and scream all at the same time! haha! But, I'm alive and well thanks to England's finest taxi driver, Matthew :)

All and all I was able to come home, get a hot shower...and get up this morning sore as all get out, but it was worth it :)

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