Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hoe Approach

We ventured down to the Hoe again today, it was GORGEOUS out! We also went down into town to look around at the culture to try and find what we can do our first project on. I had no idea what I wanted to do for mine yet, and as I walked around town I noticed a main stream in the fashion here. But, since this is not something I'm very passionate about, when I got home I decided to think of something different. I talked to Amy and the other girls and decided on doing something with the historical aspect of Plymouth. There is SO much here that I could take pictures of and have every day that we go out I see something new that I want to research and look up online about Plymouth, so that's what I've decided to do. A history lesson and digital story put together!
While Tara and I were down at the Hoe today we saw what we wanted to see since we got here, kids jumping into the water from the Hoe! I know that sounds really bad, but it was crazy! They were wearing their wet-suits of course and we didn't think they would jump, but they did! It was crazy, it was like they were just free-falling down into the water, which didn't look very deep! Then as we walked further down there were more and more boys doing it in different places! Crazy! I got a few good pics though!

I thought the video today in class was very interesting! It was amazing to see how much the children's lives changed as they got older! I thought it was crazy that almost all of them had gone through a divorce, didn't want to have kids at first, but ended up having them. It just goes to show that peoples lives can change no matter what they are like when they are young. I think this is very important that we as teachers remember that even though the children may grow up to be something totally different, we have the power here and now to change their lives, maybe just for a day or maybe forever. It's just that simple act of caring for them and what they learn while they are with us that makes all the difference. I truly feel this is why I want to be and am becoming a teacher, to make that difference in at least one child's life each day, for the rest of my own life.

1 comment:

Tara said...

I was there with you!!! It was awesome!